Tuesday, 16 November 2010

EThOS: Free Downloads Of UK Dissertations/Theses From The British Library

If you are working on a dissertation or an advanced research project, you may want to read other people's PhDs. Searching a database like the British Education Index often brings back citations to theses (as well as conference papers and journal articles).

EThOS aims to provide a single point of access to all the theses produced by UK Higher Education researchers.  You can search for published UK theses and request a copy electronically using this online service. Currently not all published theses are available electronically so EThOS will digitise them for you (for which there is a short delay). To explore the service go to the EThOS website and register.

EThOS is run by the British Library.  The British Library has created a 'central hub' (an e-store and a digitisation suite at its Boston Spa site).  The hub automatically harvests e-theses from Institutional Repositories and digitises paper theses from participating institutions to offer the single point of access.  The University of Bedfordshire is part of this scheme.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this such a valuable and useful information.

    UK dissertations
